How it works

  • Search

    Use our user-friendly search filters and select you budget, preferred location and type of student accommodation. We’ve engineered a wealth of features to help you find your perfect place

  • Request

    Select your property and dates of choice and fill out your details, easy as that. Our Booking team will check the availability with the landlord. You will pay us the Deposit / first month rent to reserve your room, all safe through our portal to protect you.

  • Confirmation

    Once you have paid us the initial payment and shared required docs, the room is confirmed. You could pay the monthly rent directly to the landlord. All easy!

  • GO

    Once your accommodation has been booked, paid and your contract has been signed, you are ready for your new student adventure. Your Landlord will be your main point of contact, however our friendly customer service team is ready to assist with any questions you might have.


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